Myths & Terminology

We focus on quality ingredients, combined effectively for maximum results. This means choosing pharmaceutical grade glycolic over the cosmetic or technical grade, in addition to higher-end, therapeutic grade essential oils. BioStrat formulations are found to be compatible with a wide variety of skin types, and almost every item features known anti-inflammatories, as all skin types are subject to stress and pollutants at certain times.

Now, let's break down some of the terminology used to describe our skincare line, as well as debunk some of the myths used to market other skincare products:



sugar cane derivatives

citrus fruit extracts

grapeseed extracts

algae extract





All Natural: Plant extracts are often perceived as being more beneficial than synthetics. But with the advancement of modern day technology, this isn't always the case. While plant extracts can certainly have therapeutic benefits, they may also deliver contraindications depending on their chemical composition, dosage or method of delivery. The same can be said regarding synthetics. We choose to feature key ingredients, synthetic and natural, that have been studied by non-biased independent sources. Time-tested and used by a wide variety of people with different skin types, the BioStrat skincare line is deemed safe and effective.

Anti-Aging: This is a broad term that is often used to describe anything from your basic moisturizers to those featuring resurfacing agents and antioxidants. Although extrinsically aged skin may benefit from such preparations, the daily use of a water-resistant sunscreen moisturizer is of primary importance, as UV rays are actually the main cause of wrinkles. While some sunscreens act as reflectants, others absorb the UVA and UVB rays. Since moisturizers differ, and many now contain sunscreens, it is wise to examine what other ingredients might be present. For example, does your moisturizer contain comedogenic substances that could trigger the formation of blackheads and whiteheads? Does it include soothing agents such as allantoin to help offset potential irritation or encourage healthy tissue growth? How much fragrance or dye is present?

Aromatherapy: While some dictionaries describe aroma as a term representing a sweet smell, others connect the word to plants. In modern times though, where natural fragrances can be duplicated into synthetic ones, this popular marketing phrase can represent products which contain natural and artificial scents. In contrast to many man-made fragrances, plant-derived essential oils not only provide natural fragrance to a product, but, in most cases, additional beneficial therapeutic properties.

Cruelty free: Although throughout history a large number of ingredients used in skin care preparations have been tested on animals at one time or another, BioStrat Canada Inc. does not partake in cruel testing methods and is an avid supporter of the SPCA.

Dermatologically Tested: Any product that has been observed after being applied to the skin has basically been dermatologically tested. Sometimes the term Dermatologist Tested appears on a product's label, indicating that a doctor who specializes in the skin has approved of the product. But how do other doctors feel about it? And what about pharmacists or aestheticians? Keeping in mind that certain endorsers of products may also be on the company's payroll, it is prudent to remain objective while also learning about the ingredients of any given product.

Environmentally Conscious: Supporting the preservation of trees and avoiding excessive waste, our packaging is kept simple. Our containers are recyclable, and aside from the Biostrat Kits (which hold several products) our individual skincare items are packaged without boxes.

Extended Health Care Plans: Certain healthcare and insurance plans have been known to offer coverage of varying degrees in relation to peels, primarily in connection with accident victims or advanced acne. Check with your provider.

Glycolic in Cleansers: Due to its small molecular structure, Glycolic is regarded as a propelling agent, assisting in the penetration of ingredients. Since debris accumulates on the skin's surface throughout the day, it doesn't make much sense to wash your face with something that could send dirt or make-up further into the skin. For this reason, you will not find glycolic, or any other AHA's, in our Prep Wash.

Hypo-Allergenic and Chemical Free:  Nearly everyone is allergic to something. As well, just about everything has a chemical structure, from air and natural oils to water and organically grown herbal extracts.  Hypoallergenic basically refers to products containing ingredients that are least likely to cause an allergic reactions. To reduce the chances of a reaction, the BioStrat skincare formulations are dye free. In addition, artificial perfumes have been omitted wherever possible. In place of synthetic fragrances, we prefer to include essential oils.

Naturally Scented / Fragrance Free: While it may be a company's first choice to produce non-scented skincare products, it remains a fact that some raw materials have unpleasant odors. Synthetic and natural fragrances are commonly used in the skincare industry to conceal offensive smells and to attract consumer use. Extracted from plants, natural fragrances (essential oils) in fact contain phyto-chemicals (so much for the term 'chemical free' ). Each phyto-chemical has its own characteristics and properties. For example, Tea Tree Oil contains germicidal agents and terphene hydrocarbons which accounts for its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. On the other hand, Chamomile contains antheme, azulene, and tannic acid, and therefore not only possesses anti-bacterial properties but is also deemed a natural anti-inflammatory.

Non-Comedogenic: Any firm can claim that their products are non-comedogenic since, at the time of writing this page, there are no existing regulations that control the use of this term. To aid in the prevention of skin eruptions triggered by known pore clogging substances, most of the BioStrat products feature non-comedogenic ingredients.

Pregnancy Warnings: Like most hair and skin care products on the market, the BioStrat formulations have not been tested on expectant mothers.